Wednesday 17 October 2012

exam...the most scariest thing

it was the starting of the exam at tao nan school on 10 october for P3.everyone was nervous.We were having our English Oral that day.This year,as i am in 3A we was suppose to start first.but we changed our exam timing to after recess.

After recess,we went to the hall to take the exam.I was the last to finish .the topic was about if i had participated in any school events.I talked like a bird that cannot stop.
Finally,I was done.Ileaved a GIANT sigh of was a terrible and typical experience 4 me.

later that day.a teacher came into my classroom and gave Ms ngerng,my form teacher,a slip of paper containing the oral results.Ms Ngerng told us that she could not tell the marks as some other people never take the exam.She told us that we did del.All of us got 9 marks or 10.I was overjoyed.

reanice b'day

reanice is my cousin.she is 1 of my closest kin.i totally forgotten her b'day until my mom told was on 10 of oct and i was having tuition.After my tuition,my mom brought me to my grandma's house to celebrate her b'day.Her cake was special as it was those nut cakes.It was delicious.As on the 11 of oct is my chinese oral,i went home earlier.

east coast walk

i went to east coast park to walk with my mom,just 2 exercise .we walked from the underpass to big splash.suddenly,I wanted to we walked to KFC just to mom bought me an ice lemon tea from there.It was so refreshing!!!

i walked to the Road safety park to play and explore and see all the different types of buildings it looks so real!!!
there were a lot of scaly lizards on the wall.

Then,we went to popular and decided to buy a handmade card set 4 mdm nadiah's b'day.
we saw the discipline mistress which is my brother's chinese teacher.
it was a very tiring day.i went to eat then shower.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Moonfest performance

Sorry as I did not post any things on my blog as getting ready 4 exam.

Anyway,I went to the esplanade on 29 September and watched a moonfest 相声。it was so  funny I laughed and rolled on the ground and touched my belly!!!1 ticket cause $35 for adults and $25 4 children.the funniest parts was when they did Gangnam style during the show.the actors were from china,singapore,hong kong and tai wan?
.it was really a great experience.

(Sorry there are no pictures as no camera allowed there!)